I am working my self to the bone I decided to make all new artwork to display and finish a 3 minute animation on top of that. I am used to pushing my self to the limits but this is ridiculous.... lol whats sleep any way. But I will make sure to post all my work as soon as the gallery show is over. I cant wait for people to see my animation most of all. I have had it in the works for about a month but have changed to a crazy deadline of 3 weeks to get it done for this gallery show. I will keep every one posted if they care to follow.
well wish me luck, people in the Denver Metro area should come and see the event. Its suposed to be really cool with live music, art, makeup, fashion, film, and any thing that fits under the term artist. It may even be a good place for other artists to try for, they are in all the major cities.
That's really great news! I hope you have a happy, safe and profitable time - can't wait to see the animation. You will post, I trust, yes?
sure will, I am having to stop my self from posting as I get done with each scene. LOL but I hate it when people do that, so I will just have to wait till it is fully complete. thanks for your response ^_^